Lakebook: A Novel Application to Protect and Conserve Water-Bodies With a Tap

I will be designing/creating an app that can be used by citizens to notify and advise local authorities regarding issues in waterways. When trying to report something, a common feeling is incertitude. I want to stop this. Through its observational accessibility, Lakebook renders the process exponentially easier. By using public data regarding BC’s water-bodies, the application will allow users to identify waterways near them, and alert local authorities about an issue(s) they have found in the water before it is too late. Data on the app will also inform users whether or not the waterway is “high-risk”. By tapping a button on the app, an alert can be sent to the local environmental department of the area in which an adequate response can be completed. This can help ensure that the local environment stays as clean and healthy as possible. It is a relatively easy process and by doing so, individuals help fix issues before they become dangerous to the life and overall ecosystem of the water. Thus, allowing citizens to effortlessly help the environment in a unique fashion that may have not been considered without using the app. The app will also give users a general understanding of the waterways surrounding them and details regarding animals that inhabit them. Which can give users a greater overall understanding of the beautiful world we live in. Through providing data from various locations, Lakebook can make field biological research much more accessible, especially given current circumstances. I successfully built the infrastructure of an application that has the ability to work in the function that I believe can help protect some crucial ecosystems in the world.


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