How Much Chlorine Concentration Is Found In Drinking Water?

By Ameerit Sandhu
Junior Category (Grades 7-8)
Experiment | Biology, Environment

Chlorine is a natural chemical that is found in salt water ocean, often found in the rocks found on the ocean’s floor.

Canada uses chlorine like many other countries in the world to remove or reduce microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses, from drinking water. Additionally, we use chlorine to lower the risk of getting waterborne diseases.

In drinking water, our Canadian Drinking Water guidelines suggest you need 0.04-2.0 mg/L of chlorine in your drinking water. The drinking water must meet the minimum of 0.04 mg/L and not exceed 2.0 mg/L of chlorine.

My drinking water samples tested were found to be 0-0.15 mg/L of chlorine. The question for this experiment was does the chlorine level change for drinking water at different locations? I expected the water in the school to be more chlorinated than at home, which means that I would see a higher chlorine level in schools, however this was not true. The sample I tested at home was the most chlorinated.

By adding chlorine to our drinking water, this improves the safety of our drinking water.

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